Friday, April 23, 2010

Suggestions For Beating Acne

While I am writing this article with a thankfully acne free face, I am forced to remember some of the problems that have besieged me over the years, sometimes the result of oily skin, sometime a chemical unbalance.
I have over the years truthfully tried everything to get rid of acne, although some of my problems were situational and seemingly impossible to fix. I have tried all manner of magic creams, tablets and voodoo remedies. In fact if it was suggested standing on my head for 3 days would cure acne, I would most probably have given it ago.

You are reading my article and agreeing with me I'm sure, that having loved ones tell you that your acne doesn't matter, is of no help, because being the one suffering from it you know this is upsetting.
I have decided to try to help you get answers and more importantly solutions to get rid of acne from your life. Doctors will sometimes tell you that you acne is caused by your job or surroundings, but in many cases you cannot change these, you have to find another solution.

What to do to beat the beast
Having researched this subject for many years I have discovered some suggestions for beating acne.
1. One of the first thing I have found to improve acne is a change in diet, which I'm sure people have told you time and time again, but THIS IS A MAJOR help in fixing your skin.

2. Because a lot of acne is caused by a chemical imbalance you need to get everything working together, again flush your system if you will, clean everything out and DETOX.

3. Create a better blood flow and get your glow back, because this is one of the most miscalculated way of fixing your problem and I have possibly made it more complicated then is should be I will simplify my solutions below.

Now that you have read my suggestions, you are probably thinking what does it all mean, well this is the part where we get down to the nitty gritty. Where I take my points and steer you to the light !

We take our 3 point plan and simplify it, the first step to take is to reduce your intake of processed food, eat more fruit and vegetables, the second step is to drink more water, many health professionals recommend 8 glasses a day (depending on your environment) and lastly exercise and sunshine. That's it simple and free Suggestions For Beating Acne. Now you need to use common sense and probably run my simple suggestions past you doctor but this simple strategy help me become acne free in 6 months.

I hope that by following my suggestions you can beat a problem that thousands suffer from without pumping harsh and problematic chemicals into your body. As sometimes you find those chemicals cause just as many problems as the thing they are treating, and I know more problems you can do without.
C S Liner writes for Teenage Hell which offers Suggestions For Beating Acne with some great information and solution for all types of acne problems and cures visit