Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cellulite Lotion

Cellulite is the name for the dimply skin that commonly occurs on the buttocks, legs, thighs stomach and hips and is caused by fatty layers that lay just underneath the skin of these areas. Many women have cellulite which is unsightly, but does not actually damage the body. It gets a lot of attention from the cosmetic and fashion industries. There are endless lotions, pills, creams and sprays that all claim to treat cellulite. They are often combined with exercises, special diets and lifestyle changes to get rid of the condition.

There are a number of anti-cellulite lotions available. They contain effective botanical ingredients and herbs that have anti obesity properties and skin softeners. Cellulite lotions are specially prepared to be absorbed quickly deep into the skin where its substances can do the greatest good. The lotion is applied to the skin over the affected area where it is absorbed through the layers. The lotion works on a cellular level by dissolving fats. They also dismantle the lattice of connective tissues and fatty cells beneath the skin that cause the appearance of cellulite.

Several pharmaceutical companies claim to manufacture creams or anti cellulite lotions that metabolize, or burn off the fatty cells. They can also restore proper fat release and circulation in the skin while producing no side effects. In rare cases, a skin sensitivity or allergy produce a topical rash like reaction if you are allergic to an ingredient present in an anti cellulite lotion. Many cellulite lotions contain herbs with blood purifying properties that can break down fat deposits. Two herbs known for their "fat melting" properties are Austrian Moor and Wild Yam. They are absorbed into the skin and loosen the fatty cells so that they can be drained out through the lymphatic system.

Anti cellulite lotions claim to work by restoring the body's cellular structure. The rubbing and massaging action used to apply them also serves to increase local blood flow to the affected area. Lotions are easy to apply and do not take much effort to use. These lotions can be dispensed into your hand and applied with your palm or fingers first in a clockwise direction then counterclockwise. If you have to cover a large area, you might want to ask someone to help so the entire area is covered completely.

No matter how strong anti cellulite body lotion can be, you will still have to maintain a proper diet and exercise program. The combination of these factors will make your comprehensive therapy plan more effective. After you reach your goals, and your skin and shape are back the way you want them you will still have to stick to your new habits in order to maintain all your hard work. Going back to your original habits could cause your cellulite to reappear.

Find out more about cellulite lotion and about how to get rid of cellulite

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_W_Johnson