Friday, October 31, 2008

Skin Care Tips

With the advent of the winter season approaching, everyone becomes more and more cautious about their skin care routines, expecting dry and scaly skin to appear. The arrival of the fall days is an announcement for all to switch to rich volume moisturizers and re-hydrating masks to keep their skin soft and supple. Here are some skin care tips, that would help you take better care of your skin even in the harsh windy, cold wintry season this fall. Read on...

The first step is to make a good skin care routine for yourself. Take the consent of your dermatologist and get products that would help moisturize your skin and hydrate it against the dry air. You can easily maintain a good skin if you keep your skin nourished and well cleansed all throughout the winters.

Next, always ensure that your skin remains well hydrated with the essential oils and liquid intake. Drink as much water as you can to make sure that your skin is hydrated from within. Drinking fresh fruit juices would also help keep your skin supple and detoxified.

Moisturizing on a daily basis is the best skin care regimen that you can adopt. Leaving your skin dry would lead to scaling and flaking of skin tissues due to dried skin follicles. Night time is the best time to apply moisturizing lotions all over your body. This is because, while you rest your body would absorb most of the nutrition whilst keeping away from pollution and dirt that it might have to face in the day time. The moisturizers would also remain sealed in your skin during the night.

Using a body cleanser is also a great skin care product. As far as possible try and use gentle and mild soaps that do not irritate the skin. Application of oil rich and soap free body cleansers would not strip your body off its essential oils as well as keep it hydrated.

Make sure that you protect your sensitive skin parts such as lips and hands. Using a rich, moisturizing lip balm over chapped lips is the best skin care you can do. Try using a non-petroleum lip balm, it is a better option than petroleum based products which have a drying effect. Remember to moisturize your hands with special hand lotions every time you wash them with soap. This would save them from getting damaged.

The last yet the most important skin care tip is to use sun screens regularly to keep your skin away from sun burns and abrasions due to the harsh weather.

Maintaining such skin care habits would definitely help you keep your skin healthier and glowing!