Friday, October 31, 2008

Skin care Lotions:Soft care of your skin

One of the basic problems that most people face is that of tackling skin care problems. Rashes, dryness, pimples or sunburns, all skin irritations tend to blow the bubble out of everybody. However, with the advancement in skin treatments, one can always find a special skin care product that would suit their particular skin type and problem. With so many variants of bathing lotions available for dry to oily skin types, people can now nourish their skin towards a perfect glow.

There are five different types of basic skin care lotions freely available in the market today. They are:

  • Bathing Lotions
  • Milk Baths
  • Baby Lotions
  • Body Lotions
  • Hand Lotions

Bathing Lotions:
Bathing lotions can be used while taking a shower. This type of lotion is best suitable for those who tend to stay longer in the bath tub. Bathing lotion is an excellent skin care product that would replace essential oils which get washed away during the bath as well as maintain the moisture of the skin.

Milk Baths:
Just adding a few drops of milk bath to regular bathing water while soaking in it can help the skin to absorb the rich moisturizing ingredients of milk deep within. Not only does this kind of lotion sooth the skin off all irritations but also keeps it supple and soft.

Baby Lotions
As the name suggests, baby lotions deemed to be suitable for skin types even as delicate as that of a baby's. This kind of lotion contains an organic formulation which is devoid of harmful chemicals and strong fragrances. It is best suited to sensitive skin types.

Body Lotions
Those who suffer from dry and itchy skin cam always make use of body lotions all over their body to get rid of scaly patches. Daily moisturizing body lotions are the perfect way to moisturize the skin while keeping it scented. One can always opt for a body lotion containing ultraviolet rays and sunscreens for further protection and skin care.

Hand lotions
Hand lotions are formulated specifically for hand skin care. It provides heavy moisturizes to the dehydrated and dried skin on the hands. Hand lotions act as an instantaneous relief for hands, providing it with absorbent moisturizing ingredients that make the rough skin feathery than before.

With so many different types of skin care lotions available, one can be assured that they would get the right kind of product that would suit their specific skin type and ease their irritation.