Friday, July 15, 2011

Fading Age Spots

Many people find that their skin becomes covered in age spots as they grow older, and a number of different products and creams are designed for fading age spots. These spots actually have nothing to do with growing older, but are simply caused by too many years of being exposed to the bright sun.

There are a number of ways that you can get rid of your age spots, and there are many benefits to trying each method. You should experiment with the different methods to determine which one will work best to help you clear your skin of this unwanted pigmentation. You may find that a combination of a few different remedies will be exactly what you need:

Lemon juice is used in many skin lightening treatments, due to its high acidic content. If you want to get rid of your age spots, you should try applying a small amount of lemon juice to the surface of your spots. The acid in the juice will help remove the top layers of skin, where the melanin build up which has caused the problem, is removed, leaving you with fresh, white skin after a few weeks of trying this method.
Combining yoghurt and honey can act as an effective, natural bleach which will also help. Mix one tablespoon of each together in a bowl, and apply the mixture directly to the problem area. Let it sit on your skin for half an hour before washing it off. If you use this remedy once a day for a few weeks, you should begin to see excellent results.

Aloe vera is a strong cleanser, and using the gel from an aloe vera plant is a sure-fire way to whiten your skin. The gel of the aloe vera plant can help to encourage the elimination of dead skin cells, as well as promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells that are free of pigmentation. If you apply it to your age spots a couple of times a day, it is sure to take effect in fading your age spots.

Buttermilk is full of lactic acid, which helps to exfoliate skin that has been damaged or has become pigmented. If you frequently apply buttermilk to the excess pigmentation on your skin, you will find that the lactic acid helps to clear it up and will remove it over time.

You can find some excellent solutions and treatments for age spots in your local pharmacies and drugstores. These creams will be effective in clearing up your skin, but you should be careful about applying a cream that has more than 2% hydroquinone. This is a strong bleaching agent, and you could damage your skin if you are not careful.
There are a number of excellent remedies that you can purchase online. These remedies can be the perfect solution to help you in fading age spots, and you can easily find a number of natural, extremely effective remedies by doing an online search. Most of these remedies will use natural ingredients to help you get rid of your age spots, and they will have the same efficacy as the other products without the potential to damage your skin.

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